Let's Save The Planet

Going Green , we have all heard the phrase but is it possible ? yes , however , its going to take years before we can get to that place before we can call the world a green planet. There are plenty of alternative energy resources out there that can not only benefit humans but our environment as well. With petroleum based fuels running out quickly , its only logical to find new energy sources that are clean , efficient , renewable and most importantly not harmful to the environment. Solar energy is probably the most common type of alternative energy resource you hear about today , and that's for good reason , solar energy is one of the most powerful , cheap and efficient ways of harnessing clean new energy , through solar panels the suns rays are harnessed and directly transferred to powering homes , cars and even cities. Another low cost option is wind energy , wind farms have now been present in Europe and account for much of their energy usage , wind farms are now taking their place in the world. The newest discovery and perhaps the most powerful is that of algae bio fuels , energy harvested from algae. The technology however is new , on the upside it can be used to make diesel , gasoline and jet fuel. Going green isn't so much a ideology as it is a reality these days , however it is up to us to take charge and stand up. Alternative energy resources will bring new jobs and increase revenue , thus stimulating the worlds economy. The force behind the movement is growing , we just need to keep pushing , the road to a green future wont be easy or be short , but when we arrive to our dream destination , it will be better for us and for the earth.

Energy By Water

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